Propositional logic and Predicate logic dstl notes

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    • Proposition:-

     Proposition is a statement which is either true or false but not both.

    • Compound Proposition :- 

    A compound proposition is formed by composition of two or more propositions called components or Sub-propositions.

    • Conjuction:-

     If p and q are two propositions Then conjuction of and q is a proposition which is true when both p and q are true otherwise false

    • Disjunction:-  

    If p and q two propositions then disjunction of p and q is a proposition which is true when either one of p or q or both are true and is false when both p and q are false.

    • Negation:-

    If p is proposition then negation of P is a proposition which is true when is false and false when p is true.

    • Tautologies

    A Compound proposition that is always true for all possible true values of its propositional variables and it contains T in last column of its truth table then,it is known as tautology.

    Propositions like, i. The doctor is either male or female.  ii. Either it is raining or not.   - are always true and tautologies.

    • Contradiction :- 

    A compound proposition that is always false for all possible truth truth values ofits propositional variables and it contains F in last coloumn of its truth table then, it is known as contradiction.

    i. x is even and x is odd number .

    ii. Adarsh is good boy and Adarsh is bad boy.

    are always false and contradiction.

    • Contigency :- 

    A proposition which is neither tautology nor contradiction is called contingency. Here the last column of truth table contains both T and F.

    For full notes( Propositions and Predicate logic) click here: Full notes with proper diagram:

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